Troupe Mirage Cape cod

Troupe Mirage Cape COD
Awaken Your Inner Goddess with Authentic Egyptian Belly Dance.
Egyptian style belly dance is low impact and gentle on your body.
You will learn the real dance and the Attitude and Movement Vocabulary of native Egyptian Dancers. This dance style does not include gymnastics or competition. We are a joyful sisterhood. What makes it "authentic" Egyptian Dance? Khadija has lived in Egypt and is an Arabic speaker with many years of dance among family and friends in Cairo as well as performing for Nile Cruises. Khadija's assistant Irene is currently teaching all classes for Khadija.
Egyptian Dance Classes
Beginner's Class
Tuesdays at 7:15pm
Intermediate & Troupe Choreography Class
Wednesdays at 7:15 pm
​All classes are held at the
Chatham Community Center
Aerobics Room
702 Main St., Chatham, MA

Khadija and her assistant Irene also offer
- Private Lessons
- Performance Coaching